In the very beginning, before there was anything else, before any of us ever knew of each other, there was love. This love begat all of us, just as this love begat you. This world will make it hard, sometimes, to remember about all this love, but it is there. It has always been and will always be there.
And you: you were loved from the very first moment we knew of you. Even before then, we loved the idea of you.
Yesterday was the first day that I wasn't afraid to love you. When I first discovered that you are not too good to be true. Yesterday I saw you for the first time, and saw and heard your precious heart flutter at 178 beats per minute. You look like a little bean. About 8 cm long, with a big head and a tail and little arm and leg buds. This is nothing like the way you will look when I first hold you in my arms, but this is where you begin. Every organ you will ever have is already there in your tiny, beautiful body.
This is the beginning. Where there is love.
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