Today we set up Seth's play mat with the toy bars that go over top of him. He loves it! At first he just enjoyed looking at all the colourful toys, but after a while he started (accidentally) hitting the toys with his little fists. Each time it surprised him.
Seth has started really interacting with me, at least with his eyes. You can tell how he is doing through his eyes - open and shiny means he's happy, really wide-eyed usually means he is over-stimulated and needs a break. I read that babies will often try to mimic your facial expressions, so I've been spending some time making funny faces - happy, sad, surprised, sticking out my tongue, etc. A few times when I have been sticking out my tongue Seth has also stuck his out, but it may just be a coincidence!
Today on his play mat Seth smiled at me. Real smiles, not just gas. I don't know if he "knows" he is smiling, or knows what it means at all, but he was definitely giving me big, open-mouthed smiles - AMAZING!
Also: Today was the first day that Seth found his fist and started sucking.

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