Sunday, December 30, 2007

i ain't no baby.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

i'm a model, you know what i mean

Today Seth had his newborn portraits taken!

i'm a movie star

Uncle Craig filmed and edited this amazing video... email us if you want your own copy on DVD!

He also made a super-special version for Grandma and Grandpa, whom Seth cannot wait to meet.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

three weeks

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve!

Today Seth met Uncle Craig! Craig seems to be quite smitten with him! Also, he has brought home his HD video camera so he is shooting lots of video of Seth!

Also: Today Seth had his first non-sponge bath - in Grammie's sink!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

an endless stream of visitors

If yesterday was the day Seth met his Mummy's family, today is the day he meets all her friends! Today's visitors included Emmanuelle Deaton; Sharon, Wayne, Allison and Amy McKinnon; Pat, Stuart and Aaron Lee; Erin Aucoin-Wenkoff and Jess Wenkoff; and Kevin Harper.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

meeting the Redmond clan

What a day!

Today everyone congregated at Grammie and Grumps's place to meet Seth. Nanny and Papa, Aunt Linda and Uncle Ed, Aunt Judi and Uncle Ron, Krista and Martin and Paul! Seth was passed around, cuddled, hugged and loved by all.

Grumps, Ryan and I headed out to the Senators game in the evening and Grammie and "the crew" babysat Seth for us. That's our first night out without the baby!

Also: Seth's umbilical cord fell off today!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Seth's first trip to Ottawa!

It was with many apprehensions that we packed the truck full of more crap than we should really need and headed North to Canada for Christmas. Surprisingly, the trip was painless. There was no traffic, no bad weather, and Seth slept the whole way except for the two times we woke him up to feed him!

Grammie and Grandpa were really excited to see Seth again, but poor Ryan was not feeling well at all. Ryan and Grumps headed out to the doctor's to get him checked out.

Grammie was ridiculously excited to show off her new grandson; she barely let me eat and use the bathroom before she dragged us out the door to go to Nanny and Papa's place!

Nanny and Papa weren't expecting us this early, so we surprised them. Were they ever happy to meet their first great-grandson! Papa said "We were already great, but now you have made us greater!"

Next we headed to Krista and Martin's place where we surprised a very pregnant Krista. She wept like a baby!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

two weeks

Thursday, December 13, 2007

one week

Monday, December 10, 2007

first pediatrician visit

Today was Seth's first pediatrician visit. Grammie and Grumps came with us. Seth is in great health, and gaining weight and length already! He weighed 9 lbs today, and measured 22-1/4 inches. No pokes today, thankfully!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

meet the Krawitzes!

Heather, Matthew, Margaret and Samara came today to meet baby Seth. How nice to have them meet him so soon!

homecoming king

Well, the nurses at the hospital have been really sweet, and I really like Seth's new pediatricians, Dr. Morffi and Dr. Deshpande, but we're ready to go home!

Seth was circumcised this morning, which he thankfully will not remember. When the nurse brought him back to the room Ryan said, "Well Seth, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Seth promptly raised his middle finger at him! Definitely his father's son.

When we got home there were beautiful flowers from Nanny and Papa, and Ryan introduced Seth to Dante and Recker, the Christmas tree, and all the rooms in our house. I think he'll settle in well here!

Thank goodness for Grammie and Grumps being here - coming home is a bit overwhelming for Ryan and me.

On discharge Seth weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

birth day!

Today Seth Michael Coates was born at 8:05 pm! He was 9 pounds, 7 ounces and 22 inches long!
The birth was not an easy one since Seth is so big. Twice we almost went to c-section, but in the end pushed him out the old fashioned way. He was born with his umbilical cord wrapped very tightly around his neck, so he was grey and lifeless and Ryan was pretty nervous. Seth recuperated well and in the end everything was okay. I'm pretty sore, but getting to hold baby Seth makes it totally worthwhile!

Ryan and I are pretty tired, and sure are happy that Grammie and Grumps are here to help us cope with lil' Seth!

Friday, April 27, 2007

In the beginning, there was love

Dear Baby,

In the very beginning, before there was anything else, before any of us ever knew of each other, there was love. This love begat all of us, just as this love begat you. This world will make it hard, sometimes, to remember about all this love, but it is there. It has always been and will always be there.

And you: you were loved from the very first moment we knew of you. Even before then, we loved the idea of you.

Yesterday was the first day that I wasn't afraid to love you. When I first discovered that you are not too good to be true. Yesterday I saw you for the first time, and saw and heard your precious heart flutter at 178 beats per minute. You look like a little bean. About 8 cm long, with a big head and a tail and little arm and leg buds. This is nothing like the way you will look when I first hold you in my arms, but this is where you begin. Every organ you will ever have is already there in your tiny, beautiful body.

You will never know the way your father's face looked when he saw your picture. I will never forget it. Soft, and with an amazed smile. Amazed at us, amazed at you.

This is the beginning. Where there is love.
